Welcome to Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

We expect the following in a Quality Paper to have high chance of acceptance for publication in the journal.

Paper should be rich in content and data.
 Follow a proper well defined research method or approach.
 Should effectively introduce the area and sub areas under investigation.
 Critique available literature on the topic.
 Present a clear research problem derived from literature
 Present a valid detailed solution to the identified problem.
 Develop / Adopt/ Adapt a clear validation method/criteria.
 Follow a proper protocol for validation and should present concrete and decisive evidence in from of research results. Discusses and evaluates the results in comparison to literature
 Provide clear limitation and assumptions to achieve the solution or results presented.
 Provide clear conclusion and deduction based on work carried out and data presented.
 Provide clear Future Research Directions

Peer Review Criteria
Kindly visit the journal home page www.jatit.org to have a good look at what reviewers have in mind when conducting double blind review.

Allowed Paper Length
Number of pages is never a criteria to judge a paper but the content and its effective presentation matters. Following is just a guide for presentation of enough technical content.
Minimum Length
Minimum length to present sufficient technical content is 08 pages or more in journal format. Under 08 pages in journal format will not qualify for an external review and shall be rejected in initial editorial screening
Maximum Length
Maxim allowed length is 45 pages in journal format to ensure authors are not cramped for space when presenting their findings and provide detailed and rich technical content.

Manuscript Formatting Guidelines




4. HEADS / Sub Heads

Examples of Subhead Style:


(10 point bold, upper case, numbered )

1.1. Second Level Subhead

(10 point bold, first letter capital case, numbered)

1.1.1. Third level subhead

(10 point bold, lower case, flush left)

Use all lowercase for section headings.

5. FIGURES (Line Art Drawings) AND TABLES


Figures and tables may appear printed directly in the text and should be black and white or grayscale.

Figure should appear soon after the citation in the text or if it is too large at the end of the manuscript or in middle of text in singly column format.

Legends/Captions for figures


Titles/Captions for tables

Both figures and tables must be cited in the text.


Manuscript Guidelines
(Please download and use this as a guide for manuscript preparation before submission)

Copyright Form
(Please download and fill in the copyright form)