Free body diagram lesson plan

Free Body Simulation Interactive

CK-12 Foundation

Free Body Simulation

For Students 9th - 12th Standards

To show the magnitude and direction of all forces acting upon an object, scientists use a free body diagram. This simulation serves as an introduction to free body diagrams allowing scholars to build their own. Pupils select the proper.


Match That Free-Body Diagram Interactive

Physics Classroom

Match That Free-Body Diagram

For Students 9th - 12th Standards

Pupils read a description of a physical situation and select the free-body diagram that best matches. As part of a series on applying Newton's Laws of Motion, scholars reinforce their skills applying forces and considering their relative.

Drawing Free body Diagrams Worksheet

Curated OER

Drawing Free body Diagrams

For Students 10th - 12th

In this free body diagrams activity, students solve twelve problems in which they construct a free body diagram for the situation given. A summary of how to complete free-body diagrams is given.