these days, irresponsible spending might not be a problem at your company. But a great travel policy isn’t just about what travelers can purchase on their company card or how much they can spend on flights or accommodation.
A travel policy is so much more than that: it’s your way to corral business travel into something that doesn’t overtake all of the administrative team’s time. It's a way to empower domestic and international travel, connect employees to each other and to their clients, and get a handle on actual expenses for travel.
Let’s explore how to write a company travel policy that really makes a difference.While your company will absolutely benefit from having a policy, it’s important to put your employees first. When you consider the needs of your employees, you increase the chances that your policy will be useful to them.
Here are two important ways to put this into action. If you’re looking for details on the best travel policy format, check out our policy template.Now let’s take a look at the process for writing a policy that really works. You need to set goals and priorities for the update, involve important stakeholders, and review what is and isn’t working about your current policy.
Before customizing a template, it can be smart to review what is and isn’t working about your current policy or travel processes. Do this alongside stakeholders during your kick-off meeting.
Determine the top two or three goals for updating your policy, such as meeting the needs of a growing team. Define the business purposes behind employee travel so that everyone is clear on how and why they might be expected to go.