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A monthly construction progress report helps track the progress, challenges, and milestones of a construction project on a monthly basis, ensuring all stakeholders remain informed and engaged. It allows for the early identification of issues so that corrective actions can be taken to save time and resources. Having a well-structured monthly construction progress report template enhances its readability and accessibility, making it easier to make data-driven decisions and maintain project timelines.
This monthly construction progress report template can be used electronically and is better than monthly construction progress reports in PDF or Excel.
100% customisable monthly construction progress report template
Add photos or attachments to your reports
Sign-off on the report using e-signatures
Use version control features and set permissions on the report
Thousands of templates including other production templates
Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes
Preview this monthly construction progress report template below. Try customising it to learn its features.
Monthly progress reports help keep all stakeholders up-to-date on project progress. You can enhance how you complete, manage and share your progress reports across all projects with a digital system like Dashpivot:
Complete and share daily progress updates more effectively.
Win more work with this simple but thorough work package template.
Summarise all that time and all those materials more easily.
Monthly construction progress reports keep all stakeholders informed about the progress of a construction project, enabling them to make data-driven decisions. These reports outline completed works, upcoming tasks, and any deviations from planned timelines or budgets. Accurate and regular reporting helps prevent costly delays and improves resource management.
A well-organised report format standardizes the presentation of information, making it easier for stakeholders to quickly identify and understand critical data. Technological advancements have refined how these reports are created and shared. Project stakeholders will expect that they can easily access monthly progress reports so that they can raise any required corrective actions with the responsible party.
Whether your monthly construction progress reports are in Excel, PDF, or another format, the following sections are required for an effective progress report structure:
You should ensure that your report can be exported to PDF so that it can be viewed easily on all devices.