Electrical Engineering

Student works on their Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) sub.

Electrical engineering applies mathematical and physical principles to a wide variety of electrical, electronic, or computer-based devices and systems.

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering has several areas of special emphasis, including:

What is electrical engineering?

Students, faculty, and alumni discuss what sets WSU’s electrical engineering program apart from the rest.


The Washington State University program in Electrical Engineering (WSU Pullman with WSU Everett and WSU at Olympic College, Bremerton) is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.


In addition to the Pullman campus, Electrical Engineering is also offered at:

Strengths of the Program


A bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering prepares students for careers in the design, analysis, and improvement of electrical, electronic, or computer-based systems. Specific areas include power systems, electromagnetics, systems and control, solid state electronics, communications and signal processing, and radio frequency engineering and wireless communications.

Some Northwest companies that frequently hire WSU electrical engineering students for internships and career positions are Boeing, Hewlett-Packard, Battelle, Motorola, Tektronix, Intel, and the Bonneville Power Administration.

Admission, Requirements & Courses

Following admission to WSU, a student may be admitted to the Electrical Engineering major provided they meet the criteria outlined in the WSU Catalog. Once admitted to the major, a student will maintain good standing in their major by completing the required benchmarks as outlined in the catalog.

Helpful Information