Admission to our graduate programs is open to students with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree or its equivalent in any field of engineering or in related areas (physics, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and materials science).
Deadlines for submitting your application:
Doctoral and Master’s Program:
December 15. Enrollment to begin in the fall (there is no spring term admission). Look for application instructions at the Yale Graduate School website (Please note: Applications are accepted online only)
Non-Degree program (DSR):
Applications currently accepted on a continuous basis. Applications must be submitted no later than 90 days prior to your intended start date.
Instructions and the application form can be found at the Yale Graduate School website.
GRE General scores are optional for applicants to Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Personalized Medicine and Applied Engineering. GRE General scores are optional for applicants to the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Engineering but are required for applicants to the M.S. program in Biomedical Engineering. When registering to take the GRE, please use institution code 3987. It is not necessary to include a departmental code. GRE General scores are not accepted for applicants to Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science.
Applicants whose native language is not English and whose undergraduate studies were done at a university where the language of instruction was other than English must provide the results of their Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Please use institution code 3987. It is not necessary to include a departmental code.
Get the dates and locations of the test from:
TOEFL, Educational Testing Service P.O. Box 6155You will find all Yale Graduate School policies, procedures, instructions, and answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions at the Yale Graduate School Admissions website.
For questions regarding graduate admissions policies and procedures specific to engineering, please contact the appropriate Graduate Registrar listed below: