To all education students, please be this as your guide upon answering your Field Study 7. Thanks, guys! For a copy of this format, please message me on Facebook.
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To all education students, please be this as your guide upon answering your Field Study 7. Thanks, guys! For a copy of this format, please message me on Facebook.
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To all education students, please be this as your guide upon answering your Field Study 7. Thanks, guys! For a copy of this format, please message me on Facebook.
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To all education students, please be this as your guide upon answering your Field Study 7. Thanks, guys! For a copy of this format, please message me on Facebook.
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To all education students, please be this as your guide upon answering your Field Study 7. Thanks, guys! For a copy of this format, please message me on Facebook.
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To all education students, please be this as your guide upon answering your Field Study 7. Thanks, guys! For a copy of this format, please message me on Facebook.
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JRMSU Dipolog Campus Dipolog Pilot Demonstration School TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page 1 Acknowledgement 2 Dedication 3 Approval Sheet 4 Certificate of Completion Certification From Critic Teacher Cooperating School Clearance Certification from the English Editor Table of Contents 5 Chapter I. INTRODUCTION Introduction 11 What is Practice Teaching? 12 Goals of Practice Teaching 14 Chapter 2. TOWARDS BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL TEACHER JRMSU VMGO 17 College of Education Goals and Objectives 18 Student Teacher’s Educational Philosophy/Credo 20 Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 23 Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 33 (with accompanying reflections for chosen 5 articles) Student-Teaching Expectations 36 Terms and Reference in Student Teaching 39 JRMSU Student Internship Supervisors 41 Pictorials and Documentations Chapter 3. OFF-CAMPUS STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCES A Brief Description of the Cooperating School a. History 42 b. VMGO and Policies 44 c. Organizational Structure 54 d. Programs and Activities 57 My Tasks Week 1 1. The Cooperating Schools Expectation 58 2. The facilities of the Cooperating School 59 3. Basic Information: a. Cooperating School 62 b. Cooperating Teacher 63 c. Orientation seminar 63 d. Orientation of Cooperating Principal 63 e. School Tour 64 4. Responsibilities as a Student Teacher 68 5. How did I feel when I saw my Cooperating School? What are my apprehensions? 70 6. The tools that I need to bring in my Cooperating School: 71 a. Knowledge b. Attitude c. Skills d. Habits 7. My Grade Level Assignment, Class Schedule and Official time 72 8. Reflection 73 a. Am I really prepared to teach? 9. Pictorials and Documentations 74 Week 2 1. My tasks and responsibilities as instructed by my Cooperating Teacher 75 2. My observation report in assisting my Cooperating Teacher 75 3. My own expectations 75 4. The characteristics of the learners I am handling 76 5. Synopsis about the developmental stages of the grade level I am handling 77 6. My first encounter with my Cooperating Teacher 77 7. My first dealing with my learners 78 8. Reflection a. I am really meant for the teaching profession because 78 9. Pictorials and Documentations 80 Week 3 1. My task and responsibilities as instructed by my Cooperating Teacher 81 2. The learning resources of the Cooperating School that I utilized 81 3. The DepEd officials/Personnel/Teaching Staff in my Cooperating School 82 4. The importance and utilization of the school’s facilities in the teaching - learning process 85 5. My perceptions of my Cooperating School as my second home 85 6. I can always make my second home: 86 a. Safe and secure by b. Friendly by c. Non-threatening by 7. Reflection: After analyzing the cooperating school’s Misson, Vision and Goals a. I realized that 88 b. So I need to Week 4 1. The daily classroom routine performed by my cooperating teacher 90 2. Synopsis on establishing classroom routines 91 3. My observation of the following: 91 a. Attendance b. Passing of papers or books c. Getting materials d. Making assignments 4. The routines that I have established to become a better classroom manager 92 5. The rules that I set in my class 94 6. Reflection 95 a. In my future class, I shall employ the following teaching skills and strategies. Chapter 4. WEEKLY NARRATIVE/SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCES Narrative reports (week 1- week 9) 97 Working with Pupils/Students 105 Working with the School Personnel 106 -the Critic Teacher -the Cooperating Principal -other School Staff Working with the Community and other School Stakeholders 108 Community Survey 108 Origin/History/Assets 108 Traditions/Customs/Practices 109 Actual Classroom Teaching 110 Special Demonstration Teaching 111 Final Demonstration Teaching 113 Pictorials and Documentations Chapter 5. PERSONAL ASSESSMENT/VIEWPOINT OF STUDENT-TEACHING Self assessment for being a Student Teacher 115 Personal point of view of Student Teaching Experiences 116 Pictorials and Documentations Chapter 6. MEMENTOS FOR BETTER TEACHING Lesson plans (Detailed, Semi – Detailed, Explicit) 117 (With accompanying reflection: Why did you choose this Lesson Plan as your sample in the portfolio?) 136 Chapter 7. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OR CAREER PLAN (At least 1 page) 138 APPENDICES Appendix A Lesson Plans (with Evaluation Sheets and Comments) a. Daily 139 b. Special Demonstration 151 c. Final Demonstration 158 Appendix B Summary Table of 40Actual Teachings, Ratings and General Average 166 Appendix C Comments about the Student Teacher from Critic Teacher and Students 168 Appendix D DepEd Forms (All kinds of forms uses in the DepEd, filled up properly and correctly) Appendix E Student’s output Appendix F Songs, games, and other re - creational materials 172 Photo Documentations 183 Appendix G Certificates (Merits, Recognition, Appreciation, Participation, etc.) Curriculum Vitae 196
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