
Python code for the CorEx topic model is available via pip:

pip install corextopic 

Running the CorEx Topic Model

The CorEx topic model takes a document by word matrix as input.

import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as ss from corextopic import corextopic as ct # Define a matrix where rows are samples (docs) and columns are features (words) X = np.array([[0,0,0,1,1], [1,1,1,0,0], [1,1,1,1,1]], dtype=int) # Sparse matrices are also supported X = ss.csr_matrix(X) # Word labels for each column can be provided to the model words = ['dog', 'cat', 'fish', 'apple', 'orange'] # Document labels for each row can be provided docs = ['fruit doc', 'animal doc', 'mixed doc'] # Train the CorEx topic model topic_model = ct.Corex(n_hidden=2) # Define the number of latent (hidden) topics to use., words=words, docs=docs) 

Once the model is trained, the topics can be accessed through the get_topics() function. Words are ranked according to their mutual information with the topic.

topics = topic_model.get_topics() for topic_n,topic in enumerate(topics): words,mis = zip(*topic) topic_str = str(topic_n+1)+': '+','.join(words) print(topic_str) 

Similarly, the most probable documents for each topic can be accessed through the get_top_docs() function.

top_docs = topic_model.get_top_docs() for topic_n, topic_docs in enumerate(top_docs): docs,probs = zip(*topic_docs) topic_str = str(topic_n+1)+': '+','.join(docs) print(topic_str) 

Hierarchical Topic Modeling

For the CorEx topic model, topics are binary latent factors that can be expressed or not in each document. We can hierarchically model the topics by making another a document by topic matrix and using that as input for another CorEx topic model. We can iterate to build a hierarchical representation of topics.

# Train the first layer topic_model = ct.Corex(n_hidden=100) # Train successive layers tm_layer2 = ct.Corex(n_hidden=10) tm_layer3 = ct.Corex(n_hidden=1) 

Semi-Supervised Topic Modeling

Anchored CorEx allows a user to anchor words to topics in a semi-supervised fashion to uncover otherwise elusive topics. If words is initialized, anchoring is straightforward:, words=words, anchors=[['dog','cat'], 'apple'], anchor_strength=2) 

This anchors “dog” and “cat” to the first topic, and “apple” to the second topic. You can anchor in many creative ways. For example:

    Anchor a single set of words to a single topic. This can help promote a topic that did not naturally emerge when running an unsupervised instance of the CorEx topic model. For example, one might anchor words like “snow,” “cold,” and “avalanche” to a topic if one suspects there should be a snow avalanche topic within a set of disaster relief articles., words=words, anchors=[['snow', 'cold', 'avalanche']], anchor_strength=4), words=words, anchors=['protest', 'protest', 'protest', 'riot', 'riot', 'riot'], anchor_strength=2), words=words, anchors=[['bernese', 'mountain', 'dog'], ['mountain', 'rocky', 'colorado']], anchor_strength=2) 

Detailed Tutorial

For a more detailed tutorial of how to run the CorEx topic model, extract information from it, choose the number of topics, and run hierarchical and semi-supervised models, see this Jupyter notebook.