How To Say You Trained New Employees on a Resume

If you have experience training employees — particularly new hires — that belongs on your resume. In this guide, we’ll walk you through exactly how and where to put it.

3 years ago • 4 min read

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Training others, especially new employees, isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most versatile soft skill sets you can have. It shows leadership, communication, and initiative, all of which hiring managers across industries are looking for.

Not only that, but it’s a valuable skill in its own right. Being able to pass down your skills and experience to others is something almost everyone will be asked to do at least once, and not just in jobs where teaching is a focus. So, how do you show a recruiter you have what it takes?

Training employees on a resume: The step by step guide

Like any other soft skill, putting training experience on a resume is all about focusing on your accomplishments. This guide will walk you through exactly how.

If you have recent training experience

Your bullet points should include what you did to train new employees and what the result of that training was.

  1. List your job title, employer, and dates of employment for each position you include, with accomplishments underneath. Put this in your work experience section.
  2. Include 1-2 bullet points at the top that demonstrate training skills, e.g. experience onboarding new hires, a mentoring program you ran, or training materials you put together.
  3. Start with a relevant action verb, e.g. Coached, Mentored, Trained.
  4. State exactly what you did, e.g. ‘Trained new hires on customer service protocols.’
  5. Include hard numbers or metrics that show the benefit to the company, e.g. ‘Resulted in 50% increase in customer satisfaction on surveys.’

6. If you need help putting together effective bullet points, use Resume Worded Pro to access sample bullet points featuring skill sets that recruiters want to see, including management skills, communication, leadership, and teamwork.

7. Upload your resume for a free resume review which will give you personalized feedback to improve your resume bullet points.

When it comes to putting training experience on your resume, you need to focus on accomplishments that highlight your training and leadership skills. Upload your resume to the tool below to find out if you’ve shown strong training skills and other soft skills such as communication, leadership and initiative.

Examples of bullet points to show you trained employees

Training new employees

Designing training programs

Creating training documentation

Senior management and oversight of training programs

More examples

How to say you trained someone on a resume

If you have older training experience

You should always list the skills you want to emphasize as close to the top of your resume as possible. Here’s how to say you trained employees on a resume if your experience is a little older.

Option 1: Create a new section on your resume

If your training experience was a few positions ago and you’re worried it might get buried at the bottom of your resume, consider creating a ‘Training Experience’ section to go at the top of your resume and listing the rest of your experience underneath.

You should also aim to include hard skills and keywords related to the job you’re applying for on your resume. Use the skills search tool to find hard skills related to the training / teaching roles you’re applying for.

Option 2: Use a resume summary

Including a resume summary above your work experience section is ideal if you want to highlight key skills or experience that you’re afraid a hiring manager might otherwise skim over.

Use a resume summary to put your experience training employees front and center.